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{ _id: '1543',
name: 'Sacriston Community Association The Fulforth Centre',
email: '',
type: 'Charity',
telephone: '01913710601',
contactPerson: 'Becca Hicks',
website: '',
description: 'Community centre in the heart of Sacriston',
urlFragment: 'sacriston-community-association-the-fulforth-centre-1543',
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[ { _id: '1388',
name: 'Committee Member and Trustee',
'We are looking for an enthusiastic person to join our Management Committee and help grow our activities. \n\nYou would be working as part of a dedicated group of volunteers to direct and develop the Fulforth Centre and our programme of activities, alongside the Chair of Trustees and the Project Development Worker.',
created: 2023-01-18T15:08:05.689Z,
orgId: '1543',
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active: true,
contactPerson: 'Becca Hicks',
contactEmail: '',
contactTelephone: '0191 3710601',
address: 'The Fulforth Centre, Front Street, Sacriston, DH7 6JT',
hours: '',
websiteLink: '',
startDate: 2023-01-18T15:08:05.689Z,
endDate: 2025-04-18T00:00:00.000Z,
'* Acting as Committee Member with oversight of the Community Association and its activities (option to become a Trustee of the registered charity);\n* Attending monthly Committee meetings (on Tuesday evenings) to review and monitor progress and agree further development;\n* Ensuring that the charity is carrying out its purposes as appropriate;\n* Volunteering to help at community events e.g. Christmas Extravaganza and Party in the Park;\n* Taking on other voluntary responsibilities depending on your skills, experience and interest.',
'* Ability to listen\n* Proactivity\n* Willingness to challenge ideas and steer the direction of the project\n* Good interpersonal skills\n* Time to dedicate to the project\n\nWe are particularly looking for people with skills and experience to oversee these areas (or a willingness to learn!):\n* Maintenance and Health & Safety\n* Social media and marketing\n\nWe\'d still like to hear from you if you don\'t have these specific skills and are interested in a general Committee position.',
'The Fulforth Centre, Front Street, Sacriston, DH7 6JT\n\nMeetings take place on the first Tuesday of the month, 7-8pm',
'Induction and training given\nOpportunity to access training courses through Durham Community Action\nSupport from Chair of Trustees\n\n',
'An opportunity to support local people and the work in the local community. \nA chance to influence what happens in the local community and steer the direction of the project.\nGain skills and experience in community development, and project and event management.',
otherInfo: '',
urlFragment: 'committee-member-and-trustee-1388',
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lastModified: 2025-02-07T13:01:28.000Z },
{ _id: '1540',
name: 'Toddler Group Helper ',
shortDescription: 'Facilitating a Toddler Group for young children',
created: 2023-10-11T12:11:07.477Z,
orgId: '1543',
[ { _id: 'a6875959-aadd-4224-b34b-6c8c0a3a2fc8',
name: 'Chester le Street' },
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[ { _id: 'f13e6eb6-3904-4fff-86c1-6eff6ad8e267',
name: 'Children/Young People',
backgroundImage: '',
iconImage: '' },
[length]: 1 ],
active: true,
contactPerson: 'Sophie Wallace',
contactEmail: '',
contactTelephone: '0191 371 0601',
address: 'The Fulforth Centre, Sacriston, DH7 6JT',
hours: '',
websiteLink: ' ',
startDate: 2023-10-11T12:11:07.477Z,
endDate: 2025-07-31T00:00:00.000Z,
'Helping run the group e.g. Registering new people, serving refreshments and snack time, leading story / song time, leading a craft. ',
skillsExperienceAndQualitiesNeeded: 'Being friendly and good with young children ',
'Wednesday mornings from 9 - 11.30am. The group itself runs from 9.30am - 11am but our volunteers also help with set up and pack down. ',
'Enhanced DBS will be required as well as 2 confidential references. \nWe will provide training including safeguarding training. \n',
'- Having a fun time with young children\n- Meeting new people\n- Creating a space for children to enjoy themselves\n- Giving parents and carers a space to meet other parents and carers ',
otherInfo: '',
urlFragment: 'toddler-group-helper--1540',
under16: false,
under18: false,
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lastModified: 2025-02-07T13:06:29.000Z },
{ _id: '1630',
name: 'Lunch Club Helper',
'Provide a welcoming and friendly space for the community to come together and have a hot meal. ',
created: 2024-08-07T11:43:58.338Z,
orgId: '1543',
[ { _id: 'a6875959-aadd-4224-b34b-6c8c0a3a2fc8',
name: 'Chester le Street' },
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[ { _id: '2c02c4f3-cd42-4780-bf31-8e018a3038dd',
name: 'Catering/Cooking',
backgroundImage: '',
iconImage: '' },
[length]: 1 ],
active: true,
under16: false,
under18: true,
contactPerson: 'Sophie Wallace',
contactEmail: '',
contactTelephone: '0191 371 0601',
address: 'The Fulforth Centre, Sacriston, DH7 6JT',
hours: '',
websiteLink: '',
'A selection of the following: \nPreparing and cooking food for Lunch Club\nDishing up and serving food\nPreparing takeaways\nTaking payments\nWashing Up ',
'No experience needed. Food Hygiene certificate is required but this can be done after your application and will be funded by the centre. \n\nOther qualities needed are the ability to be proactive, take initiative and work within a team. Also a friendly and welcoming personality to those coming in. ',
accessibilityAndTransport: '',
'We\'ll provide your kitchen and food hygiene training and you\'ll be trained on the job. \n\nVolunteers are supported by our Volunteer Coordinator. We put on regular thank you events and endeavour to help our volunteers feel like a valued member of our community. ',
'The Fulforth Centre\n\nTuesdays and Thursdays. Timings can be flexible but a slot between 8am - 1.30pm. We are particularly looking for someone who could help from 9.00 - 10.30 on either Tuesday or Thursday. ',
otherInfo: '',
startDate: 2024-08-07T11:43:58.338Z,
endDate: 2026-07-31T11:43:58.338Z,
lastModified: 2025-02-07T13:01:10.000Z,
'All our volunteers are entitled to a free Lunch Club meal when they help out. ',
urlFragment: 'lunch-club-helper-1630' },
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