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[ { _id: '1648',
'Climate Change Enthusiast to help with Community Energy Project',
'Weardale Renewables CIC is a not for profit organisation based in Weardale County Durham\nWe have a live project for a 500 Kw Community Energy solar installation located in a reclaimed quarry.\nThe land is secured and Government Community Energy Fund (CEF) Grant aid has been approved for funding\nWith the grant money we have engaged expert partners in planning, business modelling, ecology and technical design\nEcological assessments where completed this summer with positive results for planning application\nThe intention is to supply local businesses and domestic users energy via Energy Group Membership.\n\nWe are aiming to have a pre planning application with Durham County Council by Christmas \n\nThe current team have taken the project to this stage and we are now looking to add to the team to take it further\nEnthusiasm is more important than experience or qualification \n\n \n\n',
created: 2024-10-08T13:22:38.008Z,
orgId: '1653',
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name: 'Volunteering from Home ' },
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address: 'Weardale Renewables',
hours: 'to Suit',
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'Attending meetings with our expert partners\nContributing to the decision making process.\nHelping with project management\nWorking with the team on community engagement\n\n\n\n',
'A mature and enthusiastic approach\nAn interest in combatting climate change and community engagement\n',
accessibilityAndTransport: 'all travel funded by us',
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startDate: 2024-10-07T00:00:00.000Z,
endDate: 2026-04-08T13:22:38.008Z,
lastModified: 2024-10-08T13:45:32.000Z,
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{ _id: '1649',
name: 'Web, Social Media and Display / Marketing documentation',
'Weardale Renewables CIC is a not for profit organisation based in Weardale County Durham\nWe have a live project for a 500 Kw Community Energy solar installation discretely located in a reclaimed quarry.\n\nThe land is secured and Government Community Energy Fund (CEF) Grant aid has been approved for funding\n\nWith the grant money we have engaged expert partners in planning, business modelling, ecology and technical design\nEcological assessments where completed this summer with positive results for planning application\n\nThe intention is to supply local businesses and domestic users energy via Energy Group Membership.\n \nWe are aiming to have a pre planning application with Durham County Council by Christmas\n \nThe current team have taken the project to this stage and we are now looking to add volunteers to the team to take it further\nEnthusiasm is more important than experience or qualification\nWe would like to engage :-\n1 Someone with community engagement and Web / Social Media background. We have content management web site and want to use this and facebook to publicise and inform community. Also to be involved with graphics preparation for community engagement, display boards and brochures.\n\nCan be remote working arrangement.\n',
created: 2024-10-08T17:00:23.207Z,
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endDate: 2026-10-08T00:00:00.000Z,
lastModified: 2024-10-08T17:07:20.000Z,
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