Gibside Community Farm

We are looking for volunteers who are looking for physical activity associated with agricultural farming, eg digging, planting, weeding and harvesting. Most jobs are done as part of a team, so there is a variety within any given task, and also companionship.

Active opportunities

Organic vegetable growing

View this opportunity


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            'We  are  looking  for  volunteers  who  are  looking  for  physical  activity  associated  with  agricultural  farming,  eg  digging,  planting,  weeding  and  harvesting.    Most  jobs  are  done  as  part  of  a  team,  so  there  is  a  variety  within  any  given  task,  and  also  companionship.',
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                      'To  provide  locally  produced,  seasonal  organic  veg    bags  to  the  community.',
                    created:  2024-09-12T11:14:42.781Z,
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                      'Gibside  Community  Farm,  Fellside  Road,  Burnopfield  NE16  6JF',
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                      'Working  outdoors  (e.g.planting,  harvesting,  weeding,  watering  ),  in  a  poly  tunnel  (similar),  or  veg  bag  packing  in  a  portacabin  as  part  of  a  team.    We  also  have  volunteers  who  enjoy  the  tractors,  other  machinery,  and  general  maintenance.  We  provide  the  training.',
                      'You  ‘ll  learn  from  fellow  team  members  about  any  skills  you  need.    If  you  ‘re  curious  about  growing  things  and  learning    more  about  how  it’s  done  organically  you’ll  enjoy  the  farm.',
                      'We  have  an  accessible  composting  toilet.  \nAt  the  moment  we  do  not  provide  transport  costs.',
                      'You  learn  on  the  job  from  fellow  volunteers  who  all  started  off  as  newbies,\nWe  don’t  offer  expenses  at  the  moment.',
                      'We  work  on  Monday,Tuesday,Wednesday  and  Friday  from  10.15  -  15.30.  Whether    you  have  a  one  off  hour  to  spare  or  can  volunteer  on  a  regular  basis  there  are  plenty  of  opportunities.\nWe  are  located  at  Burnopfield  on  the  Fellside  Road  next  to  the  Holly  Riding  School,  close  to  the  junction  with  the  Packhorse  Inn.',
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                      'Learning  new  things.\nComradeship  \nHealthy  outdoor  work  with  fantastic  views,  wildlife  and  purpose.',
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