Lunch Club Volunteer


Being a volunteer with us is highly rewarding and involves helping to serve our day club members a nourishing meal, set up and clear tables, wash up, support social interaction and activities and generally helping with anything that makes a club work successfully on the day.

We are currently urgently looking for volunteers at Staindrop , Startforth and Barnard, but enquiries are also welcome for all other clubs which are held at Cotherstone, Mickleton, Middleton, Evenwood, Winston and Woodland.

This opportunity offers excellent early experience in hospitality and also experience as a gateway to social care.


Serve hot food and drinks at tables.
Chatting to (mainly) older people.
Encouraging participation and making everyone feel welcome and safe.

Skills & Qualities

Be an encouraging and regular friendly face to older adults who are often frail and sometimes lonely.
Able to commit to regular days each month.
Be physically able to carry and serve hot food and drinks, and be willing to roll up your sleeves at the sink, and follow health and safety instructions from our kitchen and club staff team.

When & Where?

All our clubs need volunteers, but we are particularly looking to attract new volunteers at

Our other clubs include: EVENWOOD, STAINDROP, MICKLETON, COTHERSTONE, WOODLAND & WINSTON. If you live local to these areas or are particularly interested in volunteering at one of these clubs, please still contact us!
Clubs are held on a weekly basis at lunchtime between approximately 11.00 am and 2.00 pm.
You can choose to volunteer at a club that is local to you, AND volunteer at more than one club - and you can choose to volunteer weekly, fortnightly or monthly according to your personal time available.
We have 9 clubs at Barnard Castle, Cotherstone, Evenwood, Mickleton, Middleton, Staindrop, Startforth, Winston and Woodland.

Training and Support Offered/Expenses

Volunteer expenses are reimbursed @ 45p per mile.
Training and support is provided by our staff team who are on duty throughout club sessions..
DBS checks are not required for day club volunteers helping at the club session but will be required if a volunteer offers to drive or escort a member from their house to a club.

Volunteer Benefits

We host volunteer appreciation events, volunteers also get a highly discounted three-course meal at every lunch club.

Other Information
Teesdale Day Clubs Logo
Teesdale Day Clubs More information
Hours: 3-4 hours each week or each fortnight/month as appropriate Type: Catering/Cooking, Mental Health, Older People, Mentoring/Befriending
Recognition of Quality Volunteer Experience

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