
Newton Aycliffe

Drive a flat bed vehicle


Driving a vehicle, along with a navigator and Santa, you will be following a predetermined route. Stopping so Santa can deliver Christmas cheer to the children of Newton Aycliffe

Skills & Qualities

You must hold a current valid driving licence

When & Where?

24th December 2023
Great Aycliffe Town Council, School Aycliffe Lane, Newton Aycliffe, Co Durham, DL5 6QF

Training and Support Offered/Expenses

Will be given a copy of the route prior to the event, so you can familiarise yourself with the location.

Volunteer Benefits

You will get to meet new people and have a magical afternoon and evening

Other Information

Santa Tours is an iconic event on the Town and takes place on Christmas Eve every year. Santa tours the streets of our lovely town stopping in as many streets as possible to dispense Christmas cheer for children (off all ages!) Santa checks that children have been behaving during the year and he promises to see if he can bring them a gift from their wish list.

Great Aycliffe Town Council Logo
Great Aycliffe Town Council More information
Hours: 3:00 pm until 7.30 pm Type: One-Off Activity, Festivals/Events

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