Companion at Home Volunteer

To give support ,
to have a chat over a cup of tea , help with an appointment or just to be there to listen when a friendly ear is needed.


Providing support for up to 3 hours per week visiting a clients home for a cup of tea and a chat. To provide companionship and support. Offering a listening ear and spending time engaging in every-day conversation , activities or hobbies with the person you are supporting.

Skills & Qualities

Commitment and reliability -able to keep appointments and volunteer for about 3 hours a week.
Patience, empathy an support.
An understanding of the importance of confidentiality .
Respect for an individuals privacy , dignity and independence.
Willing to be flexible to the needs of the individual.
Ability to operate within the boundaries of the role.
A friendly and sensitive approach with strong skills around building a rapport with others.
Respect for individuals regardless of their disability, ethnicity, marital status ,
gender, sexual orientation, religion or faith or gender reassignment.

When & Where?

Durham Area

Training and Support Offered/Expenses

Agreed reasonable out-of- pocket expenses.

Volunteer Benefits

An excellent opportunity to build on your skills in a charity environment.
An induction , training, support and supervision in your role.

Other Information
Marie Curie Durham Logo
Marie Curie Durham More information
Hours: Flexible up to 3 hours per week. Type: Mentoring/Befriending, Health & Social Care

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